Juan 21:25
Y hay también muchas otras cosas que Jesús hizo, que si se escribieran en detalle, pienso que ni aun el mundo mismo podría contener los libros que se escribirían.
Tesoro de la Escritura


Juan 20:30,31
Y muchas otras señales hizo también Jesús en presencia de sus discípulos, que no están escritas en este libro;…

Job 26:14
He aquí, estos son los bordes de sus caminos; ¡y cuán leve es la palabra que de El oímos! Pero su potente trueno, ¿quién lo puede comprender?

Salmos 40:5
Muchas son, SEÑOR, Dios mío, las maravillas que tú has hecho, y muchos tus designios para con nosotros; nadie hay que se compare contigo; si los anunciara, y hablara de ellos, no podrían ser enumerados.

Salmos 71:15
Todo el día contará mi boca de tu justicia y de tu salvación, porque son innumerables.

Eclesiastés 12:12
Pero además de esto, hijo mío, estate prevenido: el hacer muchos libros no tiene fin, y demasiada dedicación a ellos es fatiga del cuerpo.

Mateo 11:5
los CIEGOS RECIBEN LA VISTA y los cojos andan, los leprosos quedan limpios, los sordos oyen, los muertos son resucitados y a los POBRES SE LES ANUNCIA EL EVANGELIO.

Hechos 10:38
Vosotros sabéis cómo Dios ungió a Jesús de Nazaret con el Espíritu Santo y con poder, el cual anduvo haciendo bien y sanando a todos los oprimidos por el diablo; porque Dios estaba con El.

Hechos 20:35
En todo os mostré que así, trabajando, debéis ayudar a los débiles, y recordar las palabras del Señor Jesús, que dijo: ``Más bienaventurado es dar que recibir.

Hebreos 11:32
¿Y qué más diré? Pues el tiempo me faltaría para contar de Gedeón, Barac, Sansón, Jefté, David, Samuel y los profetas;

that even.

Juan 13:33
Hijitos, estaré con vosotros un poco más de tiempo. Me buscaréis, y como dije a los judíos, ahora también os digo a vosotros: adonde yo voy, vosotros no podéis ir.


Deuteronomio 1:28
``¿Adónde subiremos? Nuestros hermanos nos han atemorizado, diciendo: `El pueblo es más grande y más alto que nosotros; las ciudades son grandes y fortificadas hasta el cielo. Y además vimos allí a los hijos de Anac.'

; Da.

Deuteronomio 4:11
Os acercasteis, pues, y permanecisteis al pie del monte, y el monte ardía en fuego hasta el mismo cielo: oscuridad, nube y densas tinieblas.

; Ec.

Deuteronomio 14:15
el avestruz, la lechuza, la gaviota y el gavilán según su especie;

. Basnage gives a very similar hyperbole taken from the Jewish writers, in which Jochanan is said to have 'composed such a great number of precepts and lessons, that if the heavens were paper, and all the trees of the forest so many pens, and all the children of men so many scribes, they would not suffice to write all his lessons.'

Amós 7:10
Entonces Amasías, sacerdote de Betel, envió palabra a Jeroboam, rey de Israel, diciendo: Amós conspira contra ti en medio de la casa de Israel; la tierra ya no puede soportar todas sus palabras.

Mateo 19:24
Y otra vez os digo que es más fácil que un camello pase por el ojo de una aguja, que el que un rico entre en el reino de Dios.


Juan 10:2
Pero el que entra por la puerta, es el pastor de las ovejas.

, with Mat.

27:55,56 and Mar.

15:40,) and brother of James the elder, whom 'Herod killed with the sword,' (Ac.

Juan 12:2
Y le hicieron una cena allí, y Marta servía; pero Lázaro era uno de los que estaban a la mesa con El.

.) Theophylact says that Salome was the daughter of Joseph, the husband of Mary, by a former wife; and that consequently she was our Lord's sister, and John was his nephew. He followed the occupation of his father till his call to the apostleship, (Mat.

Juan 4:21,22
Jesús le dijo: Mujer, créeme; la hora viene cuando ni en este monte ni en Jerusalén adoraréis al Padre.…

, Mar.

Juan 1:19
Este es el testimonio de Juan, cuando los judíos enviaron sacerdotes y levitas de Jerusalén a preguntarle: ¿Quién eres tú?


Juan 1:20
Y él confesó y no negó; confesó: Yo no soy el Cristo.

, Lu.

Juan 5:1-10
Después de esto, se celebraba una fiesta de los judíos, y Jesús subió a Jerusalén.…

,) which is supposed to have been when he was about twenty five years of age; after which he was a constant eye-witness of our Lord's labours, journeyings, discourses, miracles, passion, crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. After the ascension of our Lord he returned with the other apostles to Jerusalem, and with the rest partook of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, by which he was eminently qualified for the office of an Evangelist and Apostle. After the death of Mary, the mother of Christ, which is supposed to have taken place about fifteen years after the crucifixion, and probably after the council held in Jerusalem about

A.D.49 or

50, (Ac.

Juan 5:15
El hombre se fue, y dijo a los judíos que Jesús era el que lo había sanado.

.,) at which he was present, he is said by ecclesiastical writers to have proceeded to Asia Minor, where he formed and presided over seven churches in as many cities, but chiefly resided at Ephesus. Thence he was banished by the emperor Domitian, in the fifteenth year of his reign,

A.D. 95, to the isle of Patmos in the Aegean sea, where he wrote the Apocalypse, (Re. i.9.) On the accession of Nerva the following year, he was recalled from exile and returned to Ephesus, where he wrote his Gospel and Epistles, and died in the hundredth year of his age, about

A.D. 100, and in the third year of the emperor Trajan. It is generally believed that John was the youngest of the twelve apostles, and that he survived all the rest. Jerome, in his comment on Gal. VI., says that he continued preaching when so enfeebled with age as to be obliged to be carried into the assembly; and that, not being able to deliver any long discourse, his custom was to say in every meeting, My dear children, love one another. The general current of ancient writers declares that the apostle wrote his Gospel at an advanced period of life, with which the internal evidence perfectly agrees; and we may safely refer it, with Chrysostom, Epiphanius, Mill, Le Clerc, and others, to the year

97. The design of John in writing his Gospel is said by some to have been to supply those important events which the other Evangelists had omitted, and to refute the notions of the Cerinthians and Nicolaitans, or according to others, to refute the heresy of the Gnostics and Sabians. But, though many parts of his Gospel may be successfully quoted against the strange doctrines held by those sects, yet the apostle had evidently a more general end in view than the confutation of their heresies. His own words sufficiently inform us of his motive and design in writing this Gospel: 'These things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing, ye might have life through his name.' (ch.

Juan 20:31
pero éstas se han escrito para que creáis que Jesús es el Cristo, el Hijo de Dios; y para que al creer, tengáis vida en su nombre.

.) Learned men are not wholly agreed concerning the language in which this Gospel was originally written. Salmasius, Grotius, and other writers, have imagined that John wrote it in his own native tongue, the Aramean or Syriac, and that it was afterwards translated into Greek. This opinion is not supported by any strong arguments, and is contradicted by the unanimous voice of antiquity, which affirms that he wrote it in Greek, which is the general and most probable opinion. The style of this Gospel indicates a great want of those advantages which result from a learned education; but this defect is amply compensated by the unexampled simplicity with which he expresses the sublimest truths. One thing very remarkable is an attempt to impress important truths more strongly on the minds of his readers, by employing in the expression of them both an affirmative proposition and a negative. It is manifestly not without design that he commonly passes over those passages of our Lord's history and teaching which had been treated at large by other Evangelists, or if he touches them at all, he touches them but slightly, whilst he records many miracles which had been overlooked by the rest, and expatiates on the sublime doctrines of the pre-existence, the divinity, and the incarnation of the Word, the great ends of His mission, and the blessings of His purchase.

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Juan 21:24
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